Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Little Bit About Baby Julia: 12 months

At 12 months you are...

-Very fast at crawling!
-Pulling yourself up on furniture
-Love to push the alligator walker
-Love to splash and play in the water
-You don't like to sit still long
-Signs "All done!"
-Love to empty all the kitchen drawers and take all your books off the shelves.
-Great at sharing food with Harley
-Take your best naps in the stroller

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Little Bit About Baby Julia: 11 months

-Loves to wave!
-Pulls herself up on couches, tables, chairs
-Walks with her alligator cart
-Opens drawers and loves to pull everything out!
-Curious in new places and very observant
-Loves to watch little people
-Climbs up legs when she wants to be held
-Loves all fruit! She juices fruit and spits all the skin out!
-Loves the water (bath tub, baby pool, or swimming pool)!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Julia's First Easter

A Little Bit About Baby Julia: 10 months

- can take a few steps with her alligator cart
- feeds Harley breakfast
- eats lots of finger foods
- first taste of ice cream and a milkshake 
-loves to empty drawers and baskets and take all her books off the shelves
-loves to unfold the laundry
-loves to splash at the pool and splash park
-getting better at taking naps with a little "cry it out" :(
-her two top teeth are coming in!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Little Bit About Baby Julia: 9 months

-stands up in crib
-crawls over to Harley's water bowl and splashes
-such a good girl with both nanas and papas while mom and dad went to St. Thomas
-consistently sleeps through the night
-likes to play with her cousins and other little friends
-very content playing with toys and exploring 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Little Bit About Baby Julia: 8 months

-Loves to be around other little people and gives them lots of smiles. 
-Not a fan of mom's homemade food and will refuse to eat it! 
-Loves mum-mum crackers and puffs!
-Rocking on all fours and moving her hands but hasn't quite figured out crawling yet!
-Moves from laying down position to sitting up- she sits up in her crib when she's ready to get up. 
-Sits the "big girl" way in her stroller.
-She is content sitting and playing with her toys.
-Very observant of new surroundings.
-Thinks it's funny when she hears mom or dad laugh.
-Drinks water from a sippy cup. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Little Bit About Baby Julia: 7 months

  • Eating a lot of solid foods and rice cereal
  • Favorites: carrots, squash, and apples
  • Not a fan of: green beans, peas, avocado
  • Moving lots… rolling, turning, pushing herself up. No crawling yet!
  • Sits up for longer periods of time
  • Smiles lots and ticklish
  • Loves to look at herself in the mirror
  • Recognizes who is unfamiliar
  • Much better sleeper! Still waking up occasionally through the night.
  • Getting the hang of naps and soothing herself to sleep
  • Likes to sleep on tummy
  • Intrigued by Harley- she puts her hand out to pet him and gives him smiles.
  • Content when moving (in the car, in her stroller, or in your arms)
  • Loves the bouncy seat and exersaucer
  • Grabs at everything and puts everything in her mouth
  • Loves her paci
  • Met her new cousin, Macy!
  • Has two bottom teeth
  • Not happy about taking 7 month pictures. :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Little Bit About Baby Julia: 6 Months

Happy Half Birthday, Julia!
"I'm small I know, but wherever I go the grass grows greener still" -Unknown

- Sleeping in her crib at nighttime and for naps! 
- Rolls over from front to back and back to front!
- Ticklish

- Eating rice cereal
- Making lots of noises
- Can do a mini push
- Twists and turns out of all her seats and definitely need to be buckled in.
- Aware of surroundings and follows noises
- Gives everyone a big smile as soon as they start talking  
- Knows mommy and daddy and is beginning to recognize when someone is holding her that is unfamiliar.
- Loves to put toys in her mouth and watch any toy that makes noise.
- Grabs her toes and puts them in her mouth.