Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Little Bit About Baby Julia: 6 Months

Happy Half Birthday, Julia!
"I'm small I know, but wherever I go the grass grows greener still" -Unknown

- Sleeping in her crib at nighttime and for naps! 
- Rolls over from front to back and back to front!
- Ticklish

- Eating rice cereal
- Making lots of noises
- Can do a mini push
- Twists and turns out of all her seats and definitely need to be buckled in.
- Aware of surroundings and follows noises
- Gives everyone a big smile as soon as they start talking  
- Knows mommy and daddy and is beginning to recognize when someone is holding her that is unfamiliar.
- Loves to put toys in her mouth and watch any toy that makes noise.
- Grabs her toes and puts them in her mouth.