A Little Bit About Baby Julia @ 3 months:
-You love to smile! You will stop crying before I pick you up in the morning and give me a big smile when I say, "good morning." You get excited when people talk to you. You will give big smiles and a couple coughs like you are trying to giggle.
-You love the bath. As soon as your toes touch the water you give a big smile.
-You do lots of kicking, stretching, and have discovered your hands.
-You coo and make noises.
-You recognize your mom and dad and will turn to look when you hear your name.
-You are not afraid of Harley. You will let him sniff and lick your face and toes.
-You have slept up to a 6 hour stretch at night.
-You love to be held. You like when the person holding you is standing and swaying/rocking/bouncing
-You are more content laying on your play mat. You watch the toys and have started to grab them. You like to sit in the rocking baby seat and listen to the music. You are not a huge fan of the swing unless mom talks to you.
-You like to watch balloons!
-You enjoy your stroller most of the time. You've been on lots of walks with mom, dad, Harley, and papa! A few times Mom has had to hold you all the way up the Chambers Bay hill and around the loop. Harley always makes papa wait for us because Mom walks much slower!
-You are content in the car for a short time if you have your paci! You spit it out often so Mom is often out of her seat at stop lights to find it. :) Mom sits in the back when Dad drives so she can be on paci patrol.
-You only like short spurts of tummy time. You have rubbed away a patch of hair on the back of your head. :)
-The noise of the hair dryer and vacuum usually soothes you.
-You love hearing the sound of the ocean on the sound machine. It gets turned up extra loud at nap time and night time and sometimes travels with us on walks.
- You are getting better at taking naps. We are still working on a schedule.
-You love to be rocked in the rocking chair and mommy pretends you like her singing! :)
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